Thursday 10 February 2011

Various Composers - Clarinet Fantasia [Martin/Negrin] 

I love these 'compilation' albums, full of a bunch of Clarinet and Piano works, with a very varied display of music, this one doesn't particularly have a theme [like French Music, for instance], it's very loosely based around the idea of 'fantasia', some longer works, some shorter, and the odd Clarinet Sonata, but it's a good mix of the well known and the unknown, all recorded in glorious SACD hybrid mutichannel sound!.

Maximiliano Martin is a Spanish Clarinetist, not sure how old he is, but he looks to be in the younger generation age bracket, this recital was recorded in 2004, the booklet and back tray insert photographs are by John Haxby, excellently done, a lovely front cover shot of Maximiliano Martin on the floor, with the photographer on a higher level, but it's those gorgeous browns and oranges that make the picture, nice lighting and shadows too, very well done from Linn Records.

Well i must admit, there's quite a number of works i'm not familiar with on this disc, and i was excited by the Lutoslawski work at the beginning, very nice indeed, i've heard it before, but this is the first time i've really listened to it, five short pieces [roughly lasting 10 minutes], with three short fast pieces in 1, 3 & 5, with two longer slow pieces sandwiched inbetween as 2 & 4, nicely short and to the point.

But on this listen i would have to plump for Poulenc's Clarinet Sonata as the work that moved me the most, especially the reflective slow middle movement Romanza, a great mention should be made of the recording, perfectly caught, you can hear 'breathy' things going on, here's some of the highlights,
0:00 - the start is wonderful, out of the mist of silence the clarinet swirls!, a lovely lovely touch.
0:44 - the main tune, a sad lament, and yet endearing too, this comes back roughly every minute, a lovely reprise each time.
1:15 & 1:21 - a couple of bubbly trills going up into the treble, yes the clarinet is so bubbly!.
2:42 - a nice high treble moment with the clarinet, which turns into an 'out of tune' squeal.
3:48 - some deep bass notes, ending with a deep bubbly trill.
4:27 - and finally a nice loud wail!, really showing what the clarinet can do.
the clarinet is such a wonderful instrument, i'm even thinking about taking it up myself, and the reflective and introspective Poulenc Sonata is great inspiration.

Here's Ben Redwine playing the middle movement of the Poulenc Clarinet Sonata on YouTube.

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